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New Zealand Christian Devotionals

Hope, Connection & Encouragement

New Release:


Sitting at the beach one day a year or so ago, I was writing my heart out onto paper when this beautiful verse struck me:


Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 40:5


The importance of declaring God's wonders in our day to day living; the way He demonstrates His grace and displays His kindness in the details. These are the things I am passionate about declaring, until my final breath! Great is His faithfulness!! And that day at the beach, I just knew that this new book needed to be called 'Wonder.'

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Chris Bovill, Author

Meet Chris

Chris Bovill is passionate about encouraging women to grow and flourish in their relationship with God.  For twenty years Chris has organised the annual HEART (Home Educators' Annual RetreaT), providing space for countless women to be refreshed.  Her deepest desire is to grow to be more like Jesus, encourage those around her, and wring as much joy out of each day as possible!


Chris lives with her wonderful husband Mark on a dairy farm in Waikato, New Zealand.  They have five adult children, one teenager still at home, and an adorable collection of grandchildren. 









Books by Chris Bovill

"...beautifully curated and written for the reader to once again reflect on the awe and faithfulness of God."



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